健康に悪い 1の英語
- 1. bad for (one's [the]) health
2. be bad for one
3. be injurious to health
4. cause bad health
5. have an adverse health effect 健康に悪い 2
1. noisome
2. unwholesome
健康に悪いこと 1: what is bad for health 健康に悪いこと 2 insalubriousness / insalubrity〔空気や水や気候などが〕
健康に悪い: 健康に悪い adj. noxious 《正式》〔…に〕有害な, 健康に悪い〔to〕 unhealthy (場所?気候?習慣などが)健康によくない, からだに悪い unwholesome 《正式》(食物?気候などが)健康[からだ]に悪い. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 健康)
健康に悪い食べ物: unhealthful food
大食は健康に悪い: Overeating is bad for health
たばこは健康に悪い: Cigarettes are harmful to your health.
健康に悪い〔地域や気候が〕: 【形】 sickly
飲み過ぎは健康に悪い: Too much drinking causes bad health.
体に悪い 1: 1. bad effect on the health 2. bad for (one's [the]) health 3. be a risk to health 4. be bad for the body 5. be dangerous to health 6. be hazardous to general health 7. be hazardous to health 8. try
いつも怒っている[怒ってばかりいる]のは不健康だ[健康に悪い]。: It's unhealthy to be angry all the time
健康に良い 1: 1. be beneficial to (one's) health 2. beneficial to your health 3. good for health 4. have health benefits 5. have health value 健康に良い 2 【形】 1. healthful 2. healthy 3. medicinal / medicinable / me
健康に悪影響をもたらす: have an adverse effect on one's health
健康に悪影響を与える: have adverse effects on someone's health〔人の〕
健康に悪影響を及ぼす: 1. have an adverse health effect 2. negatively affect one's well-being
たばこが健康に悪いということは誰でも知っている。: Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you.
環境に悪い 1: be bad for the environment 環境に悪い 2 【形】 environmentally-unfriendly